
In this same line of action, in 2013 we had the satisfaction of serving lunch in the cafeteria of a shelter located in Orlando, Florida, through Orlando Rescue Mission. In the area of medicine, we were able to provide resources for operations within the framework of the «Shares» project, also in Florida, through Operation Smile, while that same year in Panama we were able to collaborate with the Children’s Hospital by providing personal cleaning supplies.  

A lo largo de 2013 pudimos establecer alianzas con Hollywood Spanish Seventh Day Adventist Chruch a través del apoyo brindado en la presentación de la obra «Passion» y con Forest City Adventist School proporcionándoles los útiles escolares necesarios para la graduación de sus hijos. De la misma manera, nuestro impacto podría medirse en Venezuela con la ayuda brindada a la Fundación Comunidad Madre Emilia con la remodelación y remodelación de la entrada principal y la despensa de la Casa Hogar. Durante los meses de noviembre y diciembre de 2013, tuvimos el privilegio de dar contribuciones al Centro Comunitario Hope a través de suministros y productos de higiene personal, así como la provisión de computadoras para un laboratorio de aprendizaje.

In the area of ​​community aid, our efforts focused on supporting Forest City Adventist School in the United States, Fundación Comunidad Madre Emilia in Venezuela, Hope Community Center, Operation Smile, Hollywood Spanish Seventh Day Adventist Church and Orlando Union Rescue Mission. Along this same line of action, in 2014 we were contributors to a global organization: Doctors without borders, whose mission is to provide adequate medicines for the sick and injured in places of humanitarian crisis. As well as feeding sick and injured people who require medication for their improvement.
Then in 2015 we had the honor of supporting the global program of the World Food Program USA whose objective at that time was to feed children hungry by the natural disaster of Typhoon Haiyan that occurred in November 2013 in the Philippines and leaving more than 6,300 people died. Similarly, we were able to be part of other humanitarian causes through Catholic Relief Services, UNICEF – Children’s Rights in Conflicts and Humanitarian Relief, The American Red Cross, Lighthouse Central Florida in the United States, HOPE Worldwide, the Altos de Espave in Panama, the Luz Casanova Foundation in Spain, the Irene Megias Meningitis Foundation in Spain, the Madre Emilia Foundation in Venezuela and various school libraries in China.

During the period between 2015 and 2020, we were fortunate to provide our financial contributions to studies and research conducted at various institutions responsible for advancing disease, such as: Autism Speaks, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for Children, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, American Heart and Stroke Association, American Diabetes Association ( American Diabetes Association) and Children with Cancer.  

In the period 2015-2019, based on our goal of achieving a happy childhood, we participated in good causes by providing our support to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission organizations (committed to bringing food to those most in need, assistance to the injured and protection to the homeless children of Central Florida to give them a new life, new goals, and a new future in Christ), Give Kids the World Foundation (a non-profit community in Kissimmee, Florida, for critically ill children and their families.
When it comes to animal rescue, we have successfully supported the Sea Turtle Conservancy, an organization charged with ensuring the survival of sea turtles in the Caribbean, Atlantic and Pacific through research, education and training. We also support the Central Florida Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. During 2014 in the United States, we were allies of Clear Water Marine Aquarium: in the work that consisted of the relocation and expansion of the aquarium and the Winter Dolphin Tale exhibition.
In the 2015-2020 period we were able to contribute to: Pet Alliance (formerly ASPCA Central Florida, made up of pet adoption shelters, low-cost veterinary clinics, and a full range of community outreach programs), Cesar Millán Foundation, University of Studies Bergin Canines and Southeastern Guide Dogs. Regarding our objective of promoting sports development, in 2014 we gave our full support to the Don Bosco Labor Training Center in Venezuela, in order to remodel the Sports and Recreation areas and supply new equipment so that students could play. volleyball, basketball and soccer. With this same enthusiasm, in the span of 2015-2020, we contributed to the Orlando City Foundation and Iditarod Trail – the Last Great Race.