

We are convinced that national governments, the private sector and philanthropic organizations have an obligation to work together to provide solutions to the problems that afflict the most unprotected and / or vulnerable people and animals. For this reason, we are receptive and are willing to work with government entities that want to join in supporting some of the causes with which we stand in solidarity.



The private sector plays a fundamental role in the sustainability of our foundation. As the philanthropic arm of IC Corporation, we know very well what it means to fulfill the duty of social responsibility. That is why we establish alliances with socially responsible companies whose principles, values ​​and objectives correspond to ours.



We create and consolidate aid and contribution agreements with organizations that carry out commendable, fair and noble tasks adjusted to one or more of the 5 lines of action that we established as our operational axes: Animal Rescue, Happy Childhood, Studies and Research, Sports Development and Community Help.
