In this same line of action, in 2013 we had the satisfaction of serving lunch in the cafeteria of a shelter located in Orlando, Florida, through Orlando Rescue Mission. In the area of medicine, we were able to provide resources for operations within the framework of the «Shares» project, also in Florida, through Operation Smile, while that same year in Panama we were able to collaborate with the Children’s Hospital by providing personal cleaning supplies.
A lo largo de 2013 pudimos establecer alianzas con Hollywood Spanish Seventh Day Adventist Chruch a través del apoyo brindado en la presentación de la obra «Passion» y con Forest City Adventist School proporcionándoles los útiles escolares necesarios para la graduación de sus hijos. De la misma manera, nuestro impacto podría medirse en Venezuela con la ayuda brindada a la Fundación Comunidad Madre Emilia con la remodelación y remodelación de la entrada principal y la despensa de la Casa Hogar. Durante los meses de noviembre y diciembre de 2013, tuvimos el privilegio de dar contribuciones al Centro Comunitario Hope a través de suministros y productos de higiene personal, así como la provisión de computadoras para un laboratorio de aprendizaje.
During the period between 2015 and 2020, we were fortunate to provide our financial contributions to studies and research conducted at various institutions responsible for advancing disease, such as: Autism Speaks, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for Children, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, American Heart and Stroke Association, American Diabetes Association ( American Diabetes Association) and Children with Cancer.
We are the philanthropic association derived from IC Corporation. Our main objective is to provide non-profit support to all those institutions, associations and organizations whose efforts and causes contribute to help the most destitute in various settings.
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